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Page of Andrew's Experience

Phone call from Jason Hill (ATT Senior Account Executive)

Jason Hill makes initial sales contact with me. We spoke for about 6 hours of and on before I accepted his offer for a 1 year advertising contract with the following parameters (not exact):

Premium listing in the OKC Metro City Area
Video with Ad
Cost: $402/month



Hey Andrew, The first attachment that shows Video Terms Conditions is the one that needs to be signed and faxed back. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a Relaxing day!

*Video Agreement Attached*


Jason, I had a questions while looking over the Video Terms and Conditions Agreement. When I spoke to everyone at the office last night and this morning, the overwhelming consensus is to do our own video. In this case, do I still need to sign the video agreement? And if so, paragraph 2 of Addendum "A" states (and I may just be reading this incorrectly, please let me know if I am) that they would then own exclusive rights to the video after its produced. If that is correct, I would feel uncomfortable spending my own resources to produce a video that I would no longer have the original ownership rights for. I would, however, be willing to extend the rights to you for placement in our ad spot.

Again, let me know if I misinterpreted it let me know. Thank you!


Yes, you still need to sign the agreement. All it means is if you stop payment for the video then we would have the rights to take it down.


Let me know if the signature is authorized, if not I will sign a hard copy and fax it.

I will have that work up for you on our company profile very soon.

Thank you!

*Signed Video Terms and Conditions Attached* « This document authorized them to post the video online


Jason, I noticed that your using the graphic from our website under our name, did the logo I send you not fit? Thanks

$193.00 Payment to AT&T



**Sent Jason another signed copy, he said in a phone call that he never received it.**

Jason, Attached is the Video Addendum! Let me know if there is anything else I need to get for you.

Thank you!

*Signed Video Terms and Conditions Attached*

$402.00 Payment to AT&T

Jason, Hey! How is your week going? I had a few questions for you concerning my listing.

  1. Do you know how soon the commercial will be airing?
  2. I tried using the same key words on the mobile app and didnt find my listing, is that a separate product?

Thanks for your time! Give me a shout if you get a chance and we'll catch up.

No Response


Jason, When my account is charged by AT&T I need to have an invoice sent to my email electronically. I need to know when money is being taken out of my account for so that I can register and track it.

Thank you!

No Response


Jason, There is an error on the superpages add. It is linking to a page on our website that does not exist. The logo field and the name of our company both link to the correct page, but the "visit website" link goes to a page that has expired. Please change it to link to our services page. Thank you!

No Response


When you get a chance, take a look at what David Krantz has to say about on USA Today (!


I took a minute to mull over the YP listing again. Our services tags that we put on there look like this:

Web Site Hosting, Printing Services, Advertising Specialties, Computer Online Services, Graphic Designers

We should probably rearrange those and add a few to better communicate what we do. Lets change the order to:

Websites, Graphic Designers, Advertising Specialties, Computer Online Services, Printing Services

Respond when you get this and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

*Response on 25th AFTER a phone call was placed because I never got a response


Jason, I have attached a graphic from This is a bit of a problem, we need to look into this. Thank you.

*Graphic of Problem Attached

$402.00 Payment to AT&T


Jason, I have been looking over the numbers for the past couple of months with the advertising I am doing through AT&T. In the month of April I had 48 clicks. While this is better than previous months that comes out to about $8.30/click. It is imperative that we find a way to increase the number of people finding my ad placement. I should be paying somewhere around .$.50-$1.00 per click to make it worth my investment.

At this time, I think the focus should be web development. I know we have other keywords drawing the ads - but web development tends to be our bigger contracts. We can leave graphic design and printing on the actual advertisement, but we should focus the key word searching to anything website related.

Thank you for your time, let me know what I need to do to help push this through.

Also - when can we set up the video?

No Response


Under general info, take everything off except:

1. Please replace "We provide service in three areas-Creative Design, Branding, and Web Development" with

We provide service in three areas - Graphic design, Websites, and Branding


Please take all the descriptions off and bullet point the subjects in this order

Graphic Design
Branding/Identity Systems:
Custom Web Modules
Store Fronts

* Online Payment Systems
* Web Applications
* Cloud Computing Development
* Content Management Systems
* News Paper Modules
* News Feed/PR Display Modules
* Announcements Modules
* Form Downloads Modules

3. The web link for services offered is broken and needs to be redirected to


Also - when can we set up the video?


Advertiser has 2 paid ads- one is a PLL and the other is a PL

  1. Can you please replace the products and services with these bullet points.
    • Graphic Design
    • Websites
    • Branding/Identity Systems
    • Custom Web Modules
    • Store Fronts
    • Online Payment Systems
    • Web Applications
    • Cloud Computing Development
    • Content Management Systems
    • News Paper Modules
    • News Feed/PR Display Modules
    • Announcements Modules
    • Form Downloads Modules
  2. Can you please have the PL5 listing reflect the same info as the PLL
  3. Also on both listings please just say his payment types are check and cash
  4. Omit the street address on both listings

When we spoke yesterday, I thought we had scheduled a phone conference for today at 4:00 CST but I may have been mistaken.

At any rate, I need to know where we stand on some of the issues we are having. I received your email requesting the changes for the PLL and the PL - thank you.

  • When will the commercial be airing?
  • Have you found out where I will stand organically when we make the changes to my ads? Currently I am 179th, and 180th when the term "Websites" is queried in Oklahoma City.

Please let me know when I can expect the changes in my ad to take effect.

No Response


Jason, Yes, I would like to talk to your managers. Please set up a meeting with them. Because of my military activation it will need to be after 8pm CST.

Please send me a copy of my original service agreement.

Thank you.

No Response

$402.00 Payment to AT&T

Jason, I still have not heard from you regarding the meeting with your manager nor have I received a copy of our original agreement.

I am trying to take care of this despite my deployment. This needs to be addressed. This problem has gone on way too long.

Please respond within a day.


Andrew, It is hard to contact you at that time due to no one is in the office. Is there a better time during the morning that we can give a try. I did try reaching you last week, but didn't have any luck in which I understand your military obligation. I am sorry for the delay. I really am trying to make everyone happy. I promise we will have an answer by next week.


Because of my military obligations I are under orders from 4 am to around 8 pm.

Get me a copy of the agreement in the meantime so that I can look through it when I get time.

No Response


Jason, I still do not have a copy of the agreement. When can I get a copy of it?


Andrew, after I saved the video I tried to send it over to our vendor and it exceeds the limit, so I forward the email you sent me and I am waiting on their response.


Great. That link will be active until the 31st.

$402.00 Payment to AT&T

$402.00 Payment to AT&T

$402.00 Payment to AT&T


I have tried several times to reach you. Please call me. Thank you.

No Response

$402.00 Payment to AT&T

$402.00 Payment to AT&T


Mr Swartzwelder, It was great talking to you today. Basically, I entered into a contract with ATT in February for a video ad. While my ad is being displayed, my video has yet to be posted. I have spoken with Jason Hill and Kristen Gaxiola ( and they have since ceased to return my emails and calls. I have submitted claims through my attorney and the reply I get back from ATT Legal is that they are fulfilling their contract. Im not disputing that the ad exists - but where is the video?

Thank you for your help.


Andrew, I would be happy to take a look into this issue for you. If you would locate one of your Ad Solutions/Yellow Pages bills and email me your customer ID (might be listed as CID). Also, what would be a good contact number and time for you?

Thanks again for your business and sorry for the frustration.


Thats another frustration I have been having. I have been asking for a paper (or electronic bill) since April and have yet to receive one. They do an automatic withdrawal out of my account. Is there any other information I can provide you to locate my information?

You may call anytime today, my phone number is 918-xxx-xxxx.

Thank you for your time.


Forwarded ad rep management - an auto email from att - to Daniel Huddleston

This is one of the emails I receive. Does this help?


Andrew, Just wanted to touch base with you today, I was finally able to get hold of the customer care manager and had her look at your account. Looks like this is a legal case opened in regards to it (I believe you had briefly mentioned having your lawyer look into it). I have asked their contact person to reach out to you and at least let you know where you stand. If you do not hear from them let me know and I'll push it up the line again but I think the legal matter has it a little more tied up than it normally would be.


Thank you for your time. What kind of timeframe should I expect to hear from them in?


I asked them to call you today but I never received a confirmation. I email the manager and asked her to confirm but I received an out of office reply till Monday. So I would hope by the 30th at the latest.


Thank you again. I appreciate the time you've put into helping me get this issue resolved.


No problem, sorry for the craziness and hopefully we can get this matter resolved for you soon.


Forwarded the video email (7/5/2011) email to Cynthia Castaneda, a service representative that called me (


Ms Castaneda, Have you received any update as to my ad situation? I called the numbers you gave me for both Patricia McCleary and Robert Quirk, but you were right, neither of their extensions worked.

No Response until 12/2


Hi Andrew, I have emailed both Patricia and Robert inquiring for a status and a ring back to you. I am sorry about the inconvenience.


Thank you for your time. I appreciate it.


Cynthia, Do you know when I can expect to hear from them?


Hi Andrew, You should be hearing from Patricia shortly. Thanks!

Phone call response from AT&T

Received phone call from Patricia McCleary, she told me that I was to receive a discount for the video portion of my account only, I told her I wanted a total refund and the remainder my contract to be cancelled. She said she would follow up with me and never called me back.


Kristin, I want to speak with you regarding my advertising the AT&T. I would like to get the issue of my video resolved as soon as possible as I have been trying to get this taken care of since February when I initially signed up. Please reply to this email to schedule a time to speak with me.

No Response

$100.00 Payment to AT&T


Daniel, I dont know if you remember me but we spoke awhile ago about my ad and the problems I was having. Through you, I was able to make contact with Patti McCleary on December 9th at around 6PM CST. She admitted fault on behalf of AT&T and told me that she was going to issue me a partial refund (I dont remember the exact dollar amount, I can check my records) and reduce the amount that they were charging me until the end of my contract. The payments have been reduced but I have seen no refund.

We were suppose to have a follow up call the next week but she never called me back and has not returned a single one of my calls since then. Here we are at the end of January and again only part of the agreement we settled on has been met.

I realize that this is not your issue and is not your fault, but what seems to be the problem here? Where is the communication breakdown? I left her a message on January 25th at 8:45PM CST and told her she had 48 hours to call me back or I would be calling my lawyer again. Is this what I need to do to get the attention of the people that are suppose to be dealing with this situation?

At this point, the agreement for a refund of the services not provided by the original contract is not enough. This situation is coming on almost a year. I have had to take the initiative each and every single step of the way since April of last year to inquire about issues related to my account. Ive been ignored, passed off, and even told by your legal council that my accusations of contract infringement were false - only to be later recanted by Ms McCleary.

Understand that my anger and frustrations are not directed toward you but this situation needs to be resolved promptly. Im tired of waiting. I thank you for your time.


Andrew, On it - give me an hour or so and I'll see what I can find out. Sorry, for the frustration (and loss of sleep).


Andrew, Just wanted to give you a quick update, I was able to get a hold of someone in that chain of command and they are reviewing the case. I am waiting to hear back from them and will let you know as soon as I do. I expect to know something later this morning or this afternoon at the latest.


Thank you.


Andrew, Just wanted to check with and see if you heard anything today. I was out this afternoon and had a message about 1:30pm saying it was still being worked on. Please let me know either way so I can address it again if needed.


Thank you, I haven't heard anything as of yet.


Daniel, Do you know of any progress on behalf of my account?


Andrew, Still working on it, getting a bit frustrated myself but making some progress.


What seems to be the issue? Do you know?


Well we have what's called in-region and out of region. In-region is where we print the local phone book and out of region being areas where we do not. I work for the in-region channel, however you're account is classified as an out of region.

This makes it a little more challenging to find the correct person on that side of the house to help us. I have the name of one director's but they're out till tomorrow so I'm trying to see who else on their team can get this taken care of. Waiting to hear back but haven't been able to talk to anyone as of yet.

Really sorry for all the craziness, not the experience I would like for you to have with our company.


I appreciate the time your taking for this. Its been a long 10 month-ish battle. Its extremely frustrating.


I completely understand! By chance to you have a customer service number you would normally call (maybe listed on your bill)? I tried the one I have but it was in-region only so didn't know if you had a different one I could try.


Give this a shot: xxxxxxxxx

That was a number Jason Hill used in one of the emails he sent while referencing my account. It was months ago so it may just be a reference number of some kind.

Event though Ive requested it several times, I havent been able to get them to send me a paper bill since we started (another point of contention sadly).

Again thank you for your time.


Hey check the number think its missing one more number xxx-xxx-xxx...?


Thats all I have, take a look at the attachment. They do auto withdrawals out of my checking account so I have no paper record other than that of account activity.

*Attached picture of email containing number


Got it - thanks!


Let me know if there is anything else I can provide.


Andrew, OK I believe I have it. Getting confirmation on the credit amount but I finally found the right person to work with. I let you know the exact credit amount when I hear back.


Please find out what is being done to remedy the entire situation. At this point, the partial refund just isnt going to cut it.


Andrew, I know the original issue was your video on the listing and I believe we now have that corrected. We still owe you a billing credit and hopefully that is almost wrapped up.

What are the other concerns I can address for you?


Its just been the constant lack of communication throughout this entire process. This should have taken two weeks to clear up. Instead its been a headache for the entire length of my contract. The amount of hours that I have had to spend chasing down AT&T representatives (away from clients and business) is unacceptable.

Put yourself in my shoes. What would you expect? If this situation were reversed, I would have given you a total refund of my services without question.


Andrew, Understandable, you should be getting a phone call from the director of our out of region department today. I am following up with them today and let you know as I get more details.


Andrew, OK, I did get confirmation you should be getting a call today. Please let me know if you do not get a call or an acceptable resolution.


I'll wait for their call.


Daniel, I didn't receive a call today.


Andrew, Thanks for the update; I will address it yet again today. I know this is very frustrating for you and I will continue to work hard to get a resolution.


Andrew, Please be advised that I contacted Patti McCleary regarding your issues mainly the video product not going live in a timely manner and the discussion you had with her in December, which you stated that the Video Product would be cancelled and you'd be refunded back for the Video charges. I did not hear back from her yet but I did copy her Director so the issue can be addressed ASAP. As advised I will be out of the office until next Tuesday, but I have copied my Manager Daniel Murray on this email so if there are any actions that need to be taken he will keep you updated.

Thank you,


Ms Vasquez, Thank you for the update. As we discussed on the phone, after having to deal with this issue since the beginning of my contact (in Feb/Mar of 2011), I want my entire contract refunded to my bank account and the remainder of my contract cancelled. This is not to much to ask considering the hours I have had to put into this and the money I have had to spend to get the issue resolved.

I will wait until next week to hear back from you.

$402.00 Payment to AT&T

$26.00 Refund from AT&T

$100.00 Refund from AT&T

$402.00 Refund from AT&T

Ms Vasquez, What is the progress on coming to a resolution for my account issues?


Andrew, As of now with the response from Sales, Patti McCleary did agree that a conversation regarding the cancellation of the Video Product should have been processed back in December. I was able to processes a refund in the amount of $524 which you should be receiving any day now. Regarding the cancellation of the entire contract has not been approved by the Director of Sales. I did advice them that if this was not approved you would escalate this matter.

Please advise as on you would like to proceed and I will forward it over to the Director.

Thank you,


As I said before, I would like the entire amount of my contract refunded and for the contract to be canceled.

As I, the customer, have had to be the one to track down AT&T representatives for months to get an issue resolved that has been the admitted fault of AT&T is unacceptable.

I expect that this to be taken care of quickly. Please follow up with me no later than next Wednesday with an update.


Ms Vasquez, In our last communication I asked that you follow up with me today to let me know what progress has been made on behalf of my account. Where does it sit?


Andrew, I apologize for not responding to you yesterday, I was waiting to hear back from Patti McCleary Director regarding the cancellations of the contract. Unfortunately that request was denied. We refunded all the money for the bad video which was the issue. Regarding your Listing Ad, there were no issues with it and therefore there is no justification the entire contract to be cancelled and to refund all your money.

Thank you,


The issue is that I have been dealing with this since the beginning of my contract - over 10 months ago.

Who is your supervisor?

No Response

$226.00 Payment to AT&T


Ms Vasquez, I have repeatedly tried to contact you via email and telephone with no answer. I have yet to receive the full amount of what AT&T even promised as a "partial" refund for services not provided.

You have until tomorrow (Tuesday, March 20th) at 1:00 pm CST to respond to this email. If I do not get a response, I will be taking further action

No Response

Stats Breakdown

Time Wasted: 12 Months
Phone Calls Made: 80+
Time Spent on the Phone: 16+ Hours
Emails Written: 40+
Money Taken: ($4,137.00)
Money Refunded: $528.00
Difference: ($3,609.00)

AT&T has not provided all of the services they promised in their initial contract. They have admitted to not following through and yet they tell me they will not refund my money. They have also cut off all communication with me, refusing to answer my calls, answer my emails, or keep their promised appointments. I'm sick of it, I want my money back!

I got my Money Back!

After much effort, I finally got my money back! Click the link below to see the letter AT&T finally sent after over year of problems:

Read the Letter from AT&T

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